Monday, April 4, 2011

Languages Are Fun

I wouldn’t say that the word sexy is used all that frequently here in Cape Verde. However that could just be because I am not sexually appealing to many Cape Verdean women or some other circumstances I am unaware of. I tend to lean towards “other circumstances” for the mere fact that I refuse to believe I am not attractive, don’t we all? Nobody wants to hear they are unattractive or that they are fat, that’s just not polite. Unfortunately, that word, I’m afraid is lost in Kriolu, and will never to show face unless forced or bribed.

For example, if I am feeling gracious or just happen to have a package from America and have lots of treats, I will generally hand out most of the candy. The candy is always welcomed but mostly the giver is unnoticed, that’s where the bribe and forceful nature of thank you comes in. I will not give them the candy unless I hear please and thank you. I digress, politeness, why are we so polite in America? In the English language in general? We always ask things in a manner that is unsure or hesitant; “Can you please give me”, “could I please have”, “if you’re not too busy please do….”. They all seem to ask for something to be done if it doesn’t inconvenience the other person. 

I double digress, politeness… in daily conversations with even acquaintances there is almost no boundaries, physically or linguistically. The space is always much closer than American standards and the conversations can always take a hard right into the metaphorical wall. For the sake of privacy during the conversation I shall call this friend G. This is the conversation I had with my friend (at work… in front of everyone) after returning to site from Senegal and having been at site for roughly 2 weeks:

G: Matt, what’s up man? Long time since I have seen you
Me: Nothing special just getting back to life here in Boa Vista
G: How was your trip, how was Senegal? Were you safe, no problems?
Me: No problems, it was beautiful. I really like Senegal, the food, the culture, everything. I went to see this town in th (get cut off)
G: What have you been eating man? You came back fat! You’re fat now. I lost some weight, I was really sick, but have been working out too, but you’re fat now.
Me:………? Really? Like really fat? (timidly)
G: Well you know… just… fat.
Me: Ok, well I have some things to do sooooooo, talk to you later?
G: Sure thing Matt, I’ll pass by your house today
Me: Of course, peace and love

How embarrassing right? Well this is pretty normal conversation for me here; there is no filter for what can be said and location of conversation it seems. The other conversation would have been less inappropriate had I not been speaking to my friend’s girlfriend, and him being right there. We’re at a bar/restaurant just hanging out about a week after returning from Senegal, we shall call her L:

L: Good evening Matt! How are you?
Me: I’m good, how are you?
L: Good, so how was Senegal?
Me: It was good, I had a good time there. Be right back, I need to use the bathroom.
(Exit the booth, and return)
L: Woah, Matt, you came back sexy.
Me: From the bathroom?
L: Hahahaha no, from Senegal. You returned sexy.
Me:…… Really? I don’t think I changed much. Soooooo, how about that football (that’s soccer to you Americans reading) game? Did you see that goal?

Which one to believe? I don’t know, but I lean heavily towards sexy. But sadly, it’s the other conversation that I hear more. I am in no way slighting one conversational tactic or the other. I think that in English we have a way of saying things more delicately, but I enjoy the directness of Kriolu. If you want something you say, “give me”. Sound rude? This is completely acceptable. To bring this blog back full circle, I will continue to live in my own dream world, where I am “sexy”. Thanks Cape Verde, I’ll ignore the fat comments. Peace and love friends.


  1. GREAT story Matt!! I say, focus on the positive besides I think G was just jealous because you were looking so "sexy"! ;-)

    Much Love, Aunt Linda

  2. Your Mom says she thinks you are sexy... Whatever that means... Me personally... Well, I think...

    You are doing great Bud. Remember. One grain of sand at a time.


  3. Of course, "fat" and "sexy" aren't mutually exclusive conditions...

    Thanks for a good laugh first thing in the morning!

    Margaret Fite
    Nashville, TN

  4. I laughed out loud when I read this!! I love the brutal honesty.

    Apparently my grandmother was secretly part Cape Verdean, because "your getting fat" was her usual greeting when she hadn't seen someone in the family for a while. I guess its just a lack of knowing what to say.... or as you said I chose believe it wasn't true. ha And I will say that I am a proponent of the later of your friends' comments.

    Anyway, I'm so happy to hear things are going well for you and getting to visit these amazing places! We can all live vicariously through your adventures.


