Thursday, November 4, 2010

Africa Needs You

Sometimes I wonder to myself, what the hell I am doing here. It seems as though I don’t do anything, I spend the majority of time just hanging out it seems, but these seemingly mundane days have their effect. Simply being out in the community can have an impact on those who see you. I walk the streets of Sal Rei, and my name is yelled from across the street; “Matios, how are you, are you passing well”, and sometimes I am mistaken for Danny, but hell, were both “white” Americans, what’s the difference.

But the real reason I am writing this blog is to inform you all that I am in the middle of a big project known worldwide, called World Map, see this link if interested:

I have been in contact with a pastor from the church in front of the primary school, where we plan on doing this project, and he is very excited about the project. He actually dropped by my English class this morning to observe, and has asked me to teach an English class in one of the classrooms at the church to adults in the community! A real board on which to teach, righteous! But back to the project, December 5th is International Volunteers Day (IVD), and in conjunction with this, Danny and are inviting some of his 7th grade class to paint the countries which Danny and I will have completed by the time IVD arrives. I would like to ask my American friends for some help, if you could send any of the following items for this project as soon as possible, it would be greatly appreciated:
Masking tape
Small paint brushes
Black Sharpies (wide-tipped, medium, and small)

Thank you for any assistance that you can provide, and remember mail takes a little over two weeks to get here. No rush or anything, but seriously, sorry for the late notice. Address:

Matthew Acre
Correio de Boa Vista
Boa Vista, Cape Verde
Via Portugal
Par Avion

To: International Volunteers (that's you if you're reading this)

From: Lacking Materials


  1. You are just that awesome!! Look at you!!! If anyone reading this blog didn't already know what an amazing guy you are; they know it now! Best of luck to you Matt. There will be some of these items added to next weeks box. Love you, Aunt Linda

  2. That's awesome that you are doing the World Map project! Take lots of pictures! You also might want to talk to PC in Praia about how to get school materials..

  3. If you check the catholic store behind from the main library in town you can get all the supplies on your list. If you ask the pastor to help with the cost for the project because you are working together he will assist you. As a volunteer you are looking for sustainable and not just getting supplies shipped from America. From a RPCV Cape Verde (Santo Antao) and lived in Boa Vista.

  4. Thanks Rhonda, and we are also receiving donations and material from many local businesses. And you are correct, the pastor has agreed to pitch in volunteer work as well as some rollers for painting. Also, many NGO's on the island are pitching in along with the Centro de Juventude, and Camara de Boa Vista. I would also like for my family and friends back in America to be involved in this wonderful opportunity.
